Weapon Properties


Bastard Sword (1d8 -> 1d12)

Katana (1d6 -> 1d10, +d8 Deadly)

Gnome Hooked Hammer (1d6 -> 1d10, Trip, Versatile)


Gnome Flickmace (1d6)

Meteor Hammer (1d8)


I absolutely love versatile weapons. Since most characters will only focus on one or two weapons, the versatile property goes a long ways to shore up potential weaknesses -- a fighter that can do bludgeoning and piercing damage with a single weapon can go a long ways.

Asp Coil (Reach, P/B)

Gnome Hooked Hammer (Trip, Two-Handed, B/P)

Kusarigama (S/B, Trip, Reach, Disarm)

Weapon Types

Special Weapons

Critical Specialization Effects Crit Specialization

https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=235 https://2e.aonprd.com/WeaponGroups.aspx