The Best Archetypes

Dandy? Herbalist (8+)?

Medic, Marshal, Sentinel (Bastion?)... Beastmaster, Archer...

Champion, Psychic?

The strongest martial combo out there currently is probably a rogue dedicated Hobgoblin (or hobgoblin adopted ancestry) Fighter because of a very simple strat:

    Remorseless Lash 1st or 5th level ancestry feat (if adopted)

    Double Slice or Power Attack 1st level

    Intimidating Strike 2nd level

    Furious Focus 6th level

    Advanced Tricks (Dread Striker) 8th level

Hobgoblin works really well with demoralize in general and has Agonizing Rebuke which is another synergy if you do head down that path (though intimidation as a skill isn't really necessary at all so long as you begin your salvo with intimidating strike and then continue to hit your foe at least once per round thereafter).

The combo is obtainable even faster with a dual weapon warrior dedicated rogue of the same ancestry set up buttt, you lose out on what makes it "the best" a.k.a fighter accuracy and crit rate so its a decent trade-off (not to mention that power attacking isn't really as optimal on a rogue).

If you're looking for more optimization advice and general builds you can always private message me since i don't know what exactly you have on your mind but the above is generally the best because its the simplest to accomplish.
Aaaaah How I could ever forget about it.

Fighter/ Monk dedication, you know being a full fighter with Monk dedication that very specific setup where you could use advance Monk Weapons properly. XD Seriously why Xd