(PF1) (PF1?),%20Frankincense,%20and%20Steel%D6%89%20Kurald%20Galain%27s%20Guide%20to%20the%20Magus/MyrrhFrankincenseandSteelKuraldGalainsGuideto.html (this appears to be PF1)
Bounded Caster
What is the Magus?
The Magus is a martial striker that has a unique way to deliver powerful spells -- Spellstrike. However, the class is built around Arcane Cascade, a special stance the Magus can enter after casting a spell or using Spellstrike.
Let me save you some time: If you're looking to consistently deliver powerful spell attacks every encounter and spam Spellstrike, the Magus does not do that. Once you're in position, you can technically do that... but it will take all three of your actions every turn to accomplish it.
Probably one of the most flexible/versatile classes in the game. Essentially an Eldritch Knight from 5e, don't fall into the trap of investing a lot into your arcane spell DCs (Intelligence).
If you want to be a moderately armored martial character who is effective at delivering touch spells from a safer distance (10-30 feet), the Magus is for you.
Arcane Cascade only gives +1 damage and you say the Magus is built around this?
Yes, it compares reasonably well to features other classes get. Barbarians get +2 damage but take a -1 penalty to AC and can't use actions with concentrate; Thaumaturge get a +2 bonus to their attacks but can't hold anything in their other hand.
The Problem with Spellstrike Spam
Don't Spellstrike Spam
Spellstrike is a fancy way to deliver spells through Strikes instead of Cast a Spell. It's still casting a spell and at the end of the day, you're effectively Heightening a spell by the level of your Striking Rune or using the Fighter's Double Slice Action to cast a spell instead of attack with a second weapon. It's not that much different than making a Strike and then casting a Spell and it's only real benefit when you look at it that way is that you don't suffer from the Multiple Attack Penalty.
If you think of Spellstrike as Double Slice that gives the Magus the Slowed 1 Condition, you're starting to understand how it works.
You have a limited number of spell slots and the Magus is taxed everywhere -- ability scores, actions, attacks.
Spellstrike is effectively a 3-action skill that can be spread across multiple turns. You can technically recharge an unlimited number of times in combat by sacrificing one of your actions or you can use a Focus point to provide some utility to what you're doing.
You're almost always going to be better off setting up a good Spellstrike than any Spellstrike. So look for a turn that you can True Strike first then Spellstrike with a spell that has a good Critical Success effect. You'll hopefully be attacking an enemy who's flat-footed and once the rest of the party recognizes what you're doing, they'll hopefully start sending buffs your way.
Eldritch Archer Dedication
Most people who hear about Spellstrike and want to build around it should look at the Eldritch Archer Dedication instead of the Magus class.
Ancestries and Backgrounds
Elf (Elemental Wrath)
This gives you Acid Splash for free, but more importantly, it's a source of verbal-only spellcasting -- this means no attack of opportunity against you for casting the spell.
The Magus needs to work particularly hard to weapon specialization and the best way to do this through your ancestry -- but locks down your level 1 and level 5 ancestry feats.
Staffs for Twisted Tree Magus. A Twisted Tree Magus with the Student of the Staff feat (level 4) checks all of the boxes for your primary weapon. You aren't restricted to a weapon staff at this point, so pick up a magical staff (like Staff of Fire or Staff of Divination) and you're good to go.
Do not overlook Arcane Fists when considering your ancestry. Humans can take Arcane Fists with Natural Ambition at level one. This combination gives you critical mastery at level 5 for free when other races need to commit to a specialization feat. Pick up some Handwraps of Mighty Blows. Probably most useful for a strength-based Sparkling Targe Magus. It also keeps your hands free for things like Spell Parry, trips, grapples, etc. Outside of humans, it still unlocks the critical weapon effect for your all brawling weapons (Fangwire and Thorn Whip).
Arcane Fists. Your physical training encompasses unarmed combat forms. The damage die for your fist changes to 1d6 instead of 1d4. You don't take the normal –2 circumstance penalty when making a lethal attack with your fist or any other unarmed attacks. Your unarmed attacks gain the arcane trait, making them magical. At 5th level, you also gain the critical specialization effects of unarmed attacks in the brawling group and weapons in the brawling group.
Humans - Natural Ambition allows you to get a level 1 feat at level 1 (instead of level 2), this is particularly useful
- Capture Magic (Level 8)
Random Notes
- Handwraps of Might Blows allow you to get Striking Runes on unarmed strikes (35gp... natural weapons are considered unarmed attacks) ( Explorer's Clothing for unarmored characters (
- Staff of Divination allows you to cast True Strike whenever you'd like (best for Twisted Tree)
- Spellstrike triggers Attack of Opportunity because you're casting a spell in threat range.
Sparkling Targe + Bastion?
Cleric / Champion -- We want Fire Ray!
- Champion has better AC than what a Magus can have from levels 2-10, then 14 and 16. It's the same at 11-13 and 17-20 (not better)... only worse at level 1 when you have 10 DEX.
Cleric Dedication for Fire Ray? Lance cantrip?
Eldritch Researcher?
Blessed One?
Soulforger? Spell Trickster?
Drow Shootist?
Wizard/Witch Twisting Tree + Monk?
Debuff Spells
- Call of the Grave (Wizard - Sickened)
- Polar Ray (Drained)
- Murderous Vines (Primal - Immobilized)
The Witch Archetype
How can I can get a cantrip from a different source? When you choose the Witch Dedication, you must choose a patron -- the patron gives you access to the spellbook of that patron. For example, choosing Ferver as your Patron allows you to pick up Divine Lance as a cantrip.
How can I increase my Focus points with this archetype? Select Basic Witchcraft, then Basic Lesson. This also gives you a hex, choosing from the following Focus spells: Stumbling Curse, Veil of Dreams, Life Boost, Blood Ward, Needle of Vengeance, and Elemental Betrayal. Cackle has a similar result.
Arcane Cascade Tactics // General Strategies for the Magus
If enemies are far away...
-Shield+Arcane Cascade+Move into position.
-2 action cantrip+arcane cascade
-Spell+arcane cascade
If enemies are nearby
-Any of the above
-Spellstrike+arcane cascade
-Dimensional Assault + Arcane cascade + strike
-Shield + Arcane Cascade + Dimensional Assault
Without committing to Intelligence, you have less skills than a Fighter.
- Crafting: Particularly useful for Twisting Tree and Sparkling Targe Studies.
- Quick Repair: If you use a Shield and use Shield Block, this is for you.
- Magical Crafting: Essential for the Student of the Staff Feat (Twisting Tree)
- Arcane: You're somewhat committed here since it comes with the class but it's not something you need to skill up quickly. If you're the only Arcana person in the party, do your party a favor and commit to it.
- Arcane Sense (2/5): Gives you the Detect Magic cantrip through a Skill Feat instead of your spell book. It's not particularly useful but it's here and if you find yourself with no other choice, pick it up.
- Unified Theory (3/5): It's a good pay off for investing in the Arcane skill and excellent if you've somehow made it to level 15 without Nature, Occultism, or Religion but you've probably depended on your allies for those skills.
- Athletics: If you went with Strength as your Primary Ability, this is worth picking up. With the exception of Starlit Span, you have the option of Shoving, Tripping, and Grappling.
- Assurance (3/5): Assurances lets you get around the multiple attack penalty on Trip and makes sure you don't look like an idiot when performing basic movement. The biggest problem is the creatures you're able to trip with Assurance are pretty weak.
- Deception: Feint is almost always useful to have in your back pocket as a martial class.
- Thievery: If you're a Dexterity build, I'd prioritize this over Acrobatics.
General Skills
- Dubious Knowledge
- Assurance
- Multilingual
- Additional Lore
The Magus benefits so much from a Reach weapon, so focus on that if you aren't a Starlit Span.
Most Magus should also pick up a Buckler; it should even work for Laughing Shadow since the Buckler requires your hand is free in order to take the Raise a Shield action (although I'd personally not allow the damage bonus when the shield is raised):
This very small shield is a favorite of duelists and quick, lightly armored warriors. It’s typically made of steel and strapped to your forearm. You can Raise a Shield with your buckler as long as you have that hand free or are holding a light object that’s not a weapon in that hand.
Student of the Staff gives the Magus the critical specialization of the club group:
You knock the target away from you up to 10 feet (you choose the distance). This is forced movement.
Focus Points
Focus Points can be looked at in two ways:
- A spell you get to use once per combat when you Spellstrike (generally will require an Archetype Dedication to get a meaningful spell)
- Spellstrike use Fire Ray, Moonbeam, etc.
- The rounds you have "left in the tank" for a boss. This is the most appropriate time to Spellstrike spam.
- Open with True Strike, then Spellstrike
- Conflux Spell, then Spellstrike
- Repeat Conflux Spell round until you're out of focus points.
You can get True Strike as a Focus Spell? Maybe?
Fire Ray is a fantastic Focus Spell for Spellstrike. The Fire Domain gets you it.
If you have multiple abilities that give you a focus pool, each one adds 1 Focus Point to your pool. For instance, if you were a cleric with the Domain Initiate feat, you would have a pool with 1 Focus Point. Let’s say you then took the champion multiclass archetype and the Healing Touch feat. Normally, this feat would give you a focus pool. Since you already have one, it instead increases your existing pool’s capacity by 1.
- Magic Weapon (1st Level): One of the best spells you can get at low levels. You'll stop preparing this once you get a Striking Rune but use this until then.
- Magic Missile (1st Level): It automatically hits so you don't need to worry about low INT, since your spell slots scale with your level, you can always prepare this in your odd level spell slots to maximize the Heighten feature.
Spellstrike Spells
Shocking Grasp (1st Level): Bread and butter damage spell.
Acid Arrow:
Expanded Spellstrike + Vampiric Touch
Expansive Spellstrike - Great for lines and cones
Force Fang - Not a great spell but it gives you an extra Focus Point. It allows you to refresh your Spellstrike, so it is an extra option for your Conflux spells but each subclass has a pretty good option already. This also allows you to get around the multiple attack penalty by using this spell after you performed a different strike action during your turn.
Expansive Spellstrike Spells
I don't like Expansive Spellstrike, but I acknowledge some people will take the Class Feat and play the Magus as a subpar Wizard instead of as a Fighter that uses Spell Attacks.
- Vampiric Touch (3rd Level):
With access to a ton of Class Feats that provide Focus points and grant different variations of the Spellstrike action, the Magus benefits from retraining as it levels.
- Arcane Fists (2/5): You'll know if you want or need it. Niche use for this since your fists are magical now and you get a critical specialization, it saves you some Ancestry feats (but you're probably using the Human's Natural Ambition to get this).
- Magus's Analysis (1/5): It combines the Recall Knowledge check with the Magus's recharge action but only recharges on a successful check (and can only be used once creature). Don't Spellstrike spam.
- Familiar (3/5): Familiars are fun but also a bit of hassle; the Magus doesn't gain much from it but it's hard to argue if you're willing to use it as a scout.
- Raise a Tome (1/5): Books are cheaper than shields (spellbooks aren't) and let's you avoid the Crafting skill at low levels.
- Cantrip Expansion (1/5): Just say no. You don't need extra cantrips and if you think you do, the Wizard Dedication is for you.
- Enhanced Familiar (2/5): A Feat tax for making your familiar better. YMMV.
- Expansive Spellstrike (2/5): You're normally limited to Spell Attacks for Spellstrike, this lets you cast other spells (but now it uses your Spell DC, in addition to the Strike, and this guide advocates for ignoring your Spell DC as much as possible); this basically turns Spellstrike into Strike + Cast a Spell with two downsides: a critical miss on the strike wastes the spell and you need to recharge Spellstrike after using it. The more I explain this feat, the lower I want to rank it; the only time I'd be happy with this effect is using a ranged weapon to bend a line or cone around an obstacle.
- Force Fang (4/5): Increases your Focus points, recharges your Spellstrike, and it's basically Magic Missile as a Focus Spell -- automatically hits and doesn't suffer from MAP.
- Spell Perry (2/5): More important for a Laughing Shadow (and whatever ruling your GM gives on wearing a Buckler), but I'd rather spend my feats on something that gold can't buy.
- Spirit Sheath (1/5): This gives your weapon the Concealable trait. Like Spell Perry, use a Concealable weapon (like a Cane Sword!) if the social situation arises.
The biggest problem with the 4th level generic class feats for the Magus is that they compete with the Hybrid Study ones. With the exception of Shooting Star (Starlit Span), you're better pickup the Hybrid Study feat.
- Steady Spellcasting (1/5): This lessens the drawback to Spellstrike but you shouldn't use Spellstrike in situations where you think it's likely to be disrupted. Increase your AC or use a Reach weapon instead.
- Striker's Scroll (1/5): Investing in a Magic Staff or Focus Spells are better options (see Fused Staff or the Twisting Tree Hybrid Study). The majority of the scrolls your party is hording probably aren't spell attacks (and you're taxed with Expansive Spellstrike, another bad feat, to effectively use this). Scroll Robes (unarmored cloth) probably fulfil the scenario where you'd want to cast a spell from a scroll.
- Attack of Opportunity (5/5): Essentially a tax for the Magus but you can probably skip it if you're a Starlit Span. The only possible negative to this is to wonder why it's a level 6 feat for Magus but it's free for a level 1 Fighter.
- Cascade Countermeasure (2/5): A rare defensive Focus Spell for the Magus but as always, action economy is tight -- you're forced to Shield + Arcane Cascade + Cascade Countermeasure to benefit the most from this. It's against all spell damage, so that cool... but it's only against spell damage.
- Knowledge is Power (1/5): Requires a Critical Success, it gives 3 one time use +1 circumstance bonuses that can only be used on that specific target. You tried your best to be a Bard for a round.
- Shielded Tome (1/5): Between Spirit Sheath, Raise a Tome, and this feat, you're ready to sneak a weapon and a shield into a secure area. If you needed three feats to do this, you weren't cut out for the job in the first place.
- Capture Magic (1/5): It's a subpar reaction that introduces a ton of rules questions. Don't slow the game down.
- Fused Staff (4/5): Combine a Magic Staff with your weapon and use the charges from the staff for Spellstrike. There is a white room downside with this feat: you can't cast True Strike from a Staff of Divination before using Spellstrike with the weapon form.
- Runic Impression (3/5): Another reliable way to recharge Spellstrike and gives you a flexible source for damage types.
- Spell Swipe (2/5): If I'm spending three actions, I'm looking for True Strike + Spellstrike, not this... but if you like Scorching Ray, this might work? It's a decent source of AoE damage if you find yourself struggling against hordes of creatures.
- Standby Spell (2/5): Staves, cantrips, and Focus spells do better here. If you're really bad at selecting spells during your daily preparation, this gives you a fallback option.
When do you gain your reaction?
- Cascading Ray (3/5): Tight on action economy but this is an attack that doesn't suffer from the multiple attack penalty after using Spellstrike.
- Rapid Recharge (2/5): Recharge your spell strike as a free action once per day. By this point, you should have 3 Focus points and a wide range of Conflux spells.
- Conflux Focus (5/5): The way this is worded allows you use Focus Spells per combat instead of one.
- Magic Sense (2/5): Saves you a Cantrip slot but the Arcane Sense Skill Feat does the same thing.
- Overwhelming Spellstrike (2/5): Niche case if you run into a lot of enemies with resistances and you're RPing a Magus that insists on using that type of damage but you're better off choosing a few damage types instead. It's a variation of Spellstrike (a different action), so it competes with Spellswipe and the Hybrid Study Specific Spellstrikes at level 4 and 10 -- it would be much more appealing if it was a passive effect for all of your Spellstrikes instead.
Conflux Spells
From your Hybrid Study
Dimensional Assault (2/5): Short range but helps you avoid triggering an Attack of Opportunity and hopefully gives you Flanking. Gets interesting with a Reach weapon since you can use this as a Step and a Strike before Striding away.
Shielding Strike (3/5): 3 actions in one - Recharges your Spellstrike, gives you a free Strike, and lets you raise a Shield.
Shooting Star (2/5): Removes Concealment for subsequent attacks until the next round.
Spinning Staff (1/5): Pretty bad. Requires two targets, MAP applies as normal. I'd say the saving grace for this is that it's 1 action but Spellstrike + Spinning Staff results in your 4 attack suffering from 3xMAP.
Thunderous Strike (1/5): A simple Strike with AoE that depends on your spell DC (which we want to ignore).
Force Fang (3/5): Literally free damage to recharge your Spellstrike. This is "the bar" for Conflux spells.
Cascade Countermeasure (2/5): Resistance to all spell damage is nice but it's also fairly narrow. Action economy and opportunity cost brings this down a bit. When the situation arises, you want the resistances as quickly as possible but this is a Conflux Spell and it costs a Focus point, so you really want to refresh Spellstrike with it.
Runic Impression (3/5): Sequencing on this isn't great, I'd like to use this before Spellstrike but I'm splitting hairs over free bonuses to damage.
Hybrid Studies
Inexorable Iron (3/5)
- Devastating Spellstrike (3/5): Only targets enemies and the damage is unavoidable. It's a small amount of damage but it's Splash damage where you control the damage type.
- Sustaining Spell (3/5): Free healing (but small) and potentially removes any negative persistent damage. It gives you a source of positive damage so there's potentially of triggering weaknesses on subsequent attacks.
Laughing Shadow (4/5)
- Distracting Spellstrike (4/5): While getting the flat-footed bonus from Flanking is better, you can't always rely on that. Adding Feint to Spellstrike is a nice action economy boost, the Feint doesn't need to succeed so there's no downside.
- Dimensional Disappearance (3/5): Invisibility on a Focus spell is pretty cool but Dimensional Assault still requires you to teleport next to a creature.
Sparkling Targe (4/5)
- Emergency Targe (3/5): This turns your Raise a Shield into an action. This frees your actions up a good amount and has a potentially useful side effect -- as a Sparkling Targe, you're already on the tankier side and enemies might not be looking to hit you (especially if you took an action to Raise a Shield), you may draw some attention to yourself when your shield is down and prevent the same attack from going after an ally.
- Dazzling Block (5/5): You're pretty committed to using Shield Block already, this just makes it a lot better.
Starlit Span (2/5)
- Starlight Eyes (1/5): Not enough Concealment to justify this.
- Meteoric Spellstrike (1/5): Incredibly low amount of damage that requires a lot of setup and potentially hurts your allies.
Twisting Tree (5/5)
There's a lot going on here but basically, you can grip a staff however you'd like whenever you make a Strike as long as you're in Arcane Cascade stance.
- One Handed: Agile, d6
- Two Handed: Parry, Reach, and Trip
Note: If your GM is a stickler about drawing your weapon during the first round of comment, there's a bunch of descriptions about Interact or Release as free actions when making a strike or ending your turn. At the very least, you should be able to start combat with the Shield Cantrip, Arcane Cascade, Stride, then wield your staff in two hands as a free action.
- Student of the Staff (5/5): You are taxed a bit with this feat. You'll need to raise crafting to Expert and take the Magical Crafting Skill feat. I went down the rabbit hold of Shifting Runes on a staff when I built a champion. It turns out you can't give Magic Staves the Shifting Property without this and this feat specifically calls out the Shifting Rune. Critical specialization is nice even if the club's effect isn't super powerful.
- Lunging Spellstrike (3/5): Your Spellstrike can now be done at extreme range, probably most useful during boss fights where you want to use Spellstrike as often as you can. It doesn't work with cantrips or focus spells but that's okay.
Investigator: Devise a Strategem is a poor man's True Strike.
Champion: Gets you access to Heavy Armor (Medium Armor before level 11) and two skills, you can get Lay on Hands and/or Fire Ray, gives you access to Retributive Strike. Way better if you can get a free Charisma bonus from your Ancestry (Gnome, Goblin, Catfolk)
Shadowdancer: Extra Focus Charges
Can you start a round with the Arcane Cascade Action?
Does Spellstrike provoke Attacks of Opportunity?
Are Magus just bad?