Inspired by Michael B. Jordan's Killmonger

Some Base Concepts:

Some goals for this build:

Radko (IRL name inspriation: Radko Gudas).

Grey orc inspired by Killmonger, noticeable scarring all over his body (ritualist) and wears red and white war paint across his face; his teeth have been ground flat.

Follower of Iomedae, LG, 25 year old, Male

His bloodline is cursed and he's rapidly decaying. During the Missing Moment, Radko saw himself -- uncursed and healthy. The Troll Deviant Abilities are his hope of regaining his health.


Champion (Paladin)

We're locked into Lawful Good (LG) here, so we're going to follow Iomedae.

Ancestry and Background

Orc. The decision comes down to Hold-Scarred Orc or Battle Ready (or the late newcomer - Grave Orc):

Battle Ready is equivalent to the Warrior background, so it's basically a free skill and skill feat. Since I know I'll be somewhat reliant on Charisma, this is appealing. Hold-Scarred Orc is great for level 1 but it's value diminishes as the character levels up. Heritage Resistance is incredibly powerful, so the Grave Orc has a ton of appeal.

Two different stat ability breakdowns:

Background is either Warrior (STR/CON, Intimidation, Intimidating Glare) or Farmhand (CON/WIS, Athletics, Assurance Athletics). Other options included Field Medic (CON/WIS, Medicine, Battle Medicine), Emissary (INT/CHA, Society, Multilingual), Artisan (STR/INT, Crafting, Specialty Crafting).

The Warrior Background and the Battle Ready Heritage introduce some complexity in Class Feats and Skill Feats, particularly around the Barbarian's Raging Intimidation Class Feat. Most DMs will probably allow you to replace on of the Skill Feats (but it would be a massive abuse case to take the Battle Ready Heritage, the Warrior Background, and the Raging Intimidation Class Feat).

The original plan was Hold-Scarred Orc and Warrior but after researching weapons a little bit (I was sold on using a Guisarme due to the Reach and Trip properties), Farmhand fit better.

Originally, I looked at a Mistbreath Azarketi since the ideal base stats are +6 STR, +4 CON, and +2 CHA. The Ancestry feats weren't that interesting and it's unlikely I could benefit much from any of the water-based feats they offer; I also wouldn't want to randomly get hosed if we somehow ran across alghollthu.

For Ancestry Feats, we are going with this plan:


What skill feats are worth it?

Deviant Powers

Troll all the way here. Titan Swing at level 1, High-Speed Regeneration at either level 6 or 8 (this largely depends on how useful I think Attack of Opportunity will be when compared to Retributive Strike).

The Gatewalkers Player's Guide hints at free Awakening feats, so I'm targeting the following awakened powers:

Free Archetypes

Sorcerer Dedication (Angelic Bloodline)

Only looking at this to get access to the "Cast a Spell" action, there's no intent to progress the dedication unless we have to (the table is using a house rule where the first dedication you take isn't limited by the three feat rule).

Note: In order to use a Staff, you must be able to cast the spell normally. This means the Spellcasting Archetype Feats are required to use a staff. Wands and Scrolls do not have this requirement.

Oracle Dedication (Flames or Bones Mystery)

The Oracle Dedication will fulfil the same role the Sorcerer Dedication does but it's separated out because there's an interesting path you could take to get around the Free Archetype restrictions. You'd double up on Archetype Class Feats at level 4 so you could get the Barbarian Dedication at level 6.

The First Revelation for the Flames Mystery doesn't rely on your Charisma modifier but has the potential to hurt your or your allies when fighting against enemies capable of doing fire damage. You won't have a reliable way of doing fire damage without a Flaming rune or a party member that loves fire spells until level 6 or 10.

There are two approaches to the Oracle Dedication, either Focus-based casting or Spell Slot-based casting. The additional focus points give you more flexibility with your Champion class, you'd have 3 Focus Points at level 4. Basic Oracle Spellcasting gives you more utility and gets better if you're willing to commit more resources to it -- Mysterious Breadth at level 8 and Expert Oracle Spellcasting at level 12.

Barbarian Dedication

There's a lot to love about the Barbarian Dedication and the Instincts are appealing: Giant (give me a huge reach weapon) and Spirit (positive or negative damage is flavorful for the Champion and free Ghost Touched is nice and gives the Champion more flexibility with Divine Ally).

Alternative Path with the Oracle Dedication:

Marshal Dedication

Inspiring Marshal Stance is technically better but we're spending out Skill Increases on Intimidation, not Diplomacy.

Starting Gear

This is a bit of bummer since a party member requested a Champion with a big, two-handed weapon (like a Greatsword or a Maul). However, Reach is too important for a Paladin until level 6 when I can get Attack of Opportunity. The Guisarme is perfect for a two-handed weapon but one-handed weapons with the Reach property are rare. I'll assume a Scorpion Whip is available even though it's an Uncommon weapon; if not, just take a Whip and knock everything out instead (since you're Lawful Good, we should technically be doing this anyways). We could grab a Chakram or Trident instead but our Dexterity modifier is pretty bad.

Level Breakdowns

The main plan is to use the Guisarme and switch to the Warhammer and Steel Shield if I need the additional AC bonus.

Ranged Reprisal works extremely well with Reach weapons and potentially gives us some free movement.

We're picking up the Oracle Dedication for the ability to cast spells instead of using the Trick Magic Item Skill Feat; we won't be picking up any other Oracle Archetype Feats. Take Detect Magic instead of Divine Lance if someone in the party doesn't have it; Charisma ability score modifier (ASM) is lagging behind by 2 from where it should avoiding saves or attacks is preferred.

Update: We're taking Oracle instead of Sorcerer here. The Focus Spells provided by Bones or Flames look great. Basic Oracle Spell Casting and Mysterious Breadth (although it only gets us one spell slot at level 8) seems okay if we decide to progress in the Dedication. The minor curses provide some nice role-playing guidelines for the character -- either looking at a dying seer/shaman or haunted pyromancer vibe. If we were to progress to level 12, Advanced Revelations are available through Advanced Mysteries. Basic Mysteries (Domain Acumen) and Advanced Mysteries (Advanced Revelations) expand our Focus Point pool and we can use them for Lay on Hands or our Deity's Domain.

Rage gets us a reliable source of temporary hit points and some extra damage.

If you don't have the favorable ruling for two dedications, take Trick Magic Item for your Skill Feat and pick up Deity's Domain (Might) with the Class Feat. This is the Gatewalker's Adventure Path, so Esoteric Oath screams at me but the bonus only applies to Retributive Strike.

Divine Ally (Blade) for the weapon critical specialization and access to some runes -- Ghost Touch until level 6, then Shifting or Disrupting. Remember that you can swap weapons during daily preparations.

Sudden Charge is as close to essential as it gets for heavy armor users.

It's also worth considering/trying to get Barbarian Resiliency here; your GM will likely not allow it since doing this is called out in the Free Archetype section.

For the Ability Boosts, Wisdom improves your Religion skill and your Will saves; take Intelligence if your party needs additional languages or you want to lean on Crafting, Society, or other knowledge skills.

The Class Feat can be Attack of Opportunity instead but taking High-Speed Regeneration here gives us a shot at getting it Awoken for free (maybe?).

We're increasing Intimidation here (instead of Athletics) because we're setting up for the skill feat at Level 8. Taking Toughness for the General Feat due to the synergy with Defy Death; Radko has enough trained skills that Untrained Improvisation didn't seem necessary here. FLeet, Incredible Initiative, or even Fast Recovery could be taken here.

Barbarian Resiliency is coming on later than I'd like but you get 12 free hit points here and you're now on track for 3 additional hit points ever other level.

Mask of Pain has synergy with Battle Cry and turns Demoralize into an attack that doesn't suffer from the Multiple Attack Penalty but Undying Ferocity is another option.

Fast Movement won't stack with High-Speed Regeneration but you can't necessarily count on having both feats active at the same time anyways.