
Barbarian Dedication (Giant)

We're building around this...

Medic Dedication

Skills are a little tight, I'd rather be an Expert in Athletics at level 3 and this allows us to do that.

Wrester Dedication

With skills progression being tight, this makes us an Expert in Athletics (and we can still get Expert in Medicine at level 3). We get Titan Wrestler, which we were going to have to take at some point anyways.

Staff Acrobat Dedication

An interesting option for this build since we get Whirlwind Stance at level 10. We can progress with the Barbarian Dedication (or reluctantly, the Wrestler Dedication) and get this at level 8. Bullying Staff would largely be a waste since we likely picked up Titan Wrestler at earlier levels (try to retrain it).

Probably looking at picking up Staff Acrobat at level 8, Whirlwind Stance at 10. Bullying Staff is there if you wanted to free up the Titan Wrestler Skill Feat since you could retrain it but Pivot Strike is is okay at level 14 if you can delay the new Dedication by 2 levels.

The nice thing with this is after picking up Staff Acrobat and Whirlwind Stance, you can still go back to Barbarian Dedication for your level 12 Free Archetype Feat.