November 15, 2021 -

Always Play Aggro on MTG Arena

The ladder on MTG Arena (as well as just about every other online card game) heavily favors aggro players. Why? Because the ladder, up until you reach mythic is about your total number of wins instead of your win percentage -- as long as your win rate is over 50%, you'll make it to mythic after you've won enough games.

It's possible this concept flips when a deck has an incredibly high win rate (90%+) but most decks shouldn't have a win rate higher than 55% most of the time.

Let's do some quick math using recent stats:

Gruul Aggro (6.5 minute games, 55% win rate)
(60 / 6.5) * 0.55 = 5.0769 wins/hour

Jeskai Midrange (7.5 minute games, 62% win rate)
(60 / 7.5) * 0.62 = 4.9600 wins/hour