- 5e

Anyway I just think it's interesting how this subclass didn't get much notice. Also I think peace cleric is an absurd 1 level dip for fighters.



a buddy and I are working out the kinks of a character duo Peace cleric 6/divine sorc X + Ancestral Barb 6/Echo Knight 4...the DM got a courtesy heads up (were not total monsters!) but still feel bad for what were going to be putting on him.



"Edit: I'm guessing I got downvoted because people don't see the below as a peace cleric build. I would point out that the build focuses on consistently maintaining both Bless and the Emboldening Bond, which are the main features people focus on when talking about the peace cleric. Then, the build can continue to focus on cleric spells as it progresses.

My build is starting with 1 level of divine Sorcerer on a loxodon, then 1 level of peace cleric, then you just keep taking sorcerer levels after that. So your first turn of combat is using Quickened Spell to cast bless as a bonus action, and using your action to set up your Emboldening Bond. Because sorcerers already get constitution save proficiency, you now have +2d4+prof on all your concentration saves to maintain bless. Then you're free to lob cantrips or run in for the occasional cure wounds.

What keeps this from being broken is that you only get one +1d4 from the bond each turn. So if you get hit with a fireball, you have to decide whether you're using your bond d4 on the dex saving throw or on the concentration saving throw.

The reason I like divine Sorcerer us that you get the whole cleric spell list as sorcerer spells, plus metamagic. That means you can leave your wisdom down at 13 and only worry about pumping your charisma. You'll keep things like bless and out-of-combat utility spells prepared as cleric spells, since they don't care about your wisdom modifier, and all the stuff like Cure Wounds, Inflict Wounds, and Hold Person, which do care about your spellcasting mod, can be learned as sorcerer spells so they use charisma.

Because of the Loxodon's natural AC, you just pump con and leave dex at 10, relying on bless and bond to help your dex saves. With a shield and a +3 con mod, you'll have an AC of 17. Not great, but it helps you be less Multi-Attribute dependant. So yeah, my build uses INT and STR as dump stats, leaves dex at 10, has 13 wis, and then will try to max charisma, followed by constitution."