The Hunter’s Code of Wilhelm "Wolfsbane" Von Kessel.
Rule 1: Always have a plan of attack.
Rule 2: Always know your way out.
Rule 3: Never underestimate your foe.
Rule 4: Know your strengths and your enemies weaknesses.
Rule 5: Never turn your back on a foe.
Rule 6: There’s always a trail to follow.
Rule 7: Follow a rumor, never give it value until you can prove it’s fact.
Rule 8: A man is only as good as his word.
Rule 9: When in doubt, improvise.
Rule 10: Confirm your kills.
Rule 11: There are alternatives to fighting.
Rule 12: Stand up to bullies.
Rule 13: Luck is what you make of it.
Rule 14: Do what is right.
Rule 15: Never reveal all your cards.
Rule 17: A failure is a step towards understanding the success.
Rule 18: Your blade is an extention of your soul, passion and will.
Rule 19: Follow your nose.
Rule 20: Don't fight a battle without the upper hand.
Rule 21: Take initiative.
Rule 22: When you are entrusted with a secret, you keep it.
Rule 23: You are better than no one and no one is better than you.
Rule 24: If you think it’s a trap, it probably is.
Rule 25: Listen, observe, and you’ll learn.
Rule 26: Expect everything is a trap and you'll stay alive.
Rule 27: There is always more than one way in or out.
Rule 28: Manners maketh the man.
Rule 30: Truth always has a way of coming out.
Rule 31: Don't judge a book by it's cover, but also don't pass final judgement until you've given it a good read.
Rule 32: The devil you know is better than the devil you don't.
Rule 33: Sometimes the best way to get past a trap is to spring it.
Rule 34: No one is above temptation.
Rule 35: You always have a choice.
Rule 36: Give credit where credit is due.
Rule 37: Take the blame when it is yours to take.
Rule 38: Be confident and humble at the same time.
Rule 39: Always finish what you start.
Rule 40: Combat is a skill, but so too, is an innovation.
Rule 41: It's best to not take chances.
Rule 42: Sometimes the meaning of life is to just enjoy the moment.
Rule 43: Accept all gifts graciously.
Rule 44: Information is best gathered where locals gather.
Rule 45: Never rush the important things.
Rule 46: Always look for an alternate entrance.
Rule 47: Teamwork is the key to achieving the unachievable.
Rule 48: Discretion is the better part of valor, but do not let indecision inhibit action.
Rule 49: Cleanliness is next to godliness.
Rule 50: Your skills are power, and power should be used to aid the less powerful.
Rule 51: Do not tinker with things beyond your comprehension.
- Rule 52: Confidence is key. 32:20
Rule 53: In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
Rule 54: Show forgiveness, especially at times when it's hardest to do so.
Rule 55: Write it down.
Rule 56: Some doors are best left closed.
Rule 58: The greates evil you'll ever face is yourself
Rule 59: When you can be anything, be kind.
Rule 60: Stick close to those you trust.
Rule 61: Trust those who will fight with you, bleed with you and are prepared to die with you.
Rule 62: Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Rule 63: Gold is no value to the dead.
Rule 64: When no path presents it self, forge a new path.
Rule 65: The dead have no need for trinkets.
Rule 66: Betrayel is an act of lesser man.
Rule 67: When panic spreads, the calm are the victors.
Rule 68: Believe in yourself.
- Rule 70: Retreat is not the tactic of cowards, but of the wise. 25:30
Rule 72: Trust your instincts, even if it conflicts with other rules.
Rule 73: If you believe in strongly in something, stand up and fight for it.
Rule 74: Sometimes the only way to learn is by experience.
- Rule 75: Lead by example, not explanation. 1:47:40
Rule 76: Be loyal to your friends and dangerous to your enemies.
Rule 77: Never use your skills against the innocent.
Rule 78: Always use your skills to protect the innocent.
Rule 79: If your actions are not for the good of the people, then they are not good actions.
Rule 80: Treat others as you wish to be treated.
Rule 82: Be a man you father would be proud of.
Rule 83: Never underestimate ducks.
Rule 86: Sometimes an enemy may be an ally when a greater threat exists.
Rule 88: Only show mercy to those who earned it.
Rule 89: Do not fear failure, fear not trying. 30:15
Rule 90: Muscles and might are no match for a skilled hand, a sharp eye and quick feet.
- Rule 91: Be aware of your limitations. 30:15
Rule 92: Always listen to your gut.
Rule 95: Never trust a drink you didn’t pour yourself.
Rule 97: Never argue with the wisdom of those who know more than you.
Rule 98: No matter the situation, never lose your cool.
Rule 99: Whenever given a difficult choice, the option that helps the most people is the correct choice.
Rule 100: When you are low on options, do whatever it takes.
Rule 101: The first thing you look for when there’s a fire is where the fire started.
Rule 383: When you don’t have a door, make a door. (Wrath)
- New rules
- Mention of previous rules
Fate of Drakkenheim:
E2: 2 new rule, 2 mentions of previous rules.
E1: 1 new rule, 2 mentions of previous rules.
Shadows of Drakkenheim:
E50: 2 new rules, 6 mentions of previous rules.
E49: 1 new rule, 2 mentions of previous rules.
E45-E48: (Drakkenforce plot).
E44: 5 new rules, 14 mention of previous rules.
E43: 4 mentions of previous rules.
E42: 1 new rule, 4 mentions of previous rules.
E41: 3 mentions of previous rules.
E40: 4 mentions of previous rules.
E39: 1 new rule, 5 mentions of previous rules.
E38: 4 mentions of previous rules.
E37: 2 new rule, 2 mentions of previous rules.
E36: 3 mentions of previous rules.
E35: 5 mentions of previous rules.
E34: 1 new rule.
E33: 1 new rule, 3 mentions of previous rules.
E32: 1 new rule.
E31: 1 new rule, 3 mention of previous rules.
E30: 3 new rule, 3 mention of previous rules.
E29: 5 mentions of previous rules.
E28: 1 new rule, 3 mentions previous rules.
E27: 1 new rule, 4 mentions of previous rules.
E26: 1 new rule, 2 mentions of previous rules.
E25: 2 new rules, 2 mentions of previous rules.
E24: 2 new rules, 2 mentions of previous rules
E23: 2 new rules.
E22: 3.5 new rules, 4 mentions of a previous rules
E21: 2 new rules, 2 mentions of previous rules
E20: 2 new rules, 3 mentions of previous rules
E19: 2 new rules, 1 mentions of previous rules
E18: 5 new rules, 3 mentions of previous rules
E17: 2 new rules, 3 mentions of previous rules
E16: 2 new rules
E15: 2 new rules
E14: 1 new rule, 4 mentions of previous rules
E13: 1 new rule, 2 mentions of previous rules
E12: 3 new rules, 1 mention of previous rules, 1 rule from Wrath
E11: 2 new rules
E10: 1 new rule, 1 mentions of a previous rules
E9: 3 new rules, 2 mentions of previous rules
E8: 1 new rule
E7: 1 new rule, 2 mentions of previous rules
E6: 1 new rule, 4 mentions of previous rules
E5: 2 new rules, 2 mentions of previous rules
E4: 6 new rules, 2 mentions of previous rules
E3: 2 new rules, 1 mention of a previous rules
E2: 4 new rules, 3 mentions of previous rules
E1: 9 new rules
Shoutout to Kent McDonell for making the list since ep1 - ep12.