- 5e

Making knowledge checks useful...

Getting information about an enemy with the appropriate check, in theme with your character:

Regardless, don't tell them everything about the creature... just one or two pieces of information is enough. If the enemy is rare/unique, don't allow the check; if it's not appropriate for the character to know, don't allow the check.

As someone who DMs a lot of games, when I play and ask the DM for knowledge checks... I'm asking to know what information I'm allowed to use as a character. I'm actively trying to not metagame here. One recent example of this was the DM put "Basilisk" on the initative tracker. As a player, I can infer some things about a basilisk (like not looking at it) but I didn't know if my character knew that.. so I asked the DM "Does [my character] know anything about basilisks? Can I make some sort of check for this?" He said "Sure, make a Nature check." I rolled an 8 or something close to that, and the DM told me "You haven't seen a basilisk before." "Okay, great." Next turn rolls around, the DM asks if my character is looking at the basilisk and I respond with "I wouldn't know to look away, so I'm looking directly at this creature. What's going to happen?" For what it's worth, the two other players at the table (both experienced) immediately ran behind the creature without asking any questions (it was a barbarian and a monk, so I feel like you could rationalize they wouldn't want to stand in front of a creature... but there's also a tail problem).

https://arcaneeye.com/players/skill-checks-guide-dnd-5e/ https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/2igb02/5e_knowledgeintelligence_checks/ https://www.enworld.org/threads/how-to-handle-monster-knowledge-checks.442598/