Lightning Lure
Pedantic rules question about Lightning Lure...
Lightning Lure You create a lash of lightning energy that strikes at one creature of your choice that you can see within 15 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet in a straight line toward you and then take 1d8 lightning damage if it is within 5 feet of you.
The wording isn't quite clear on it and I think both rulings would be okay but it's a good example of how things are ambiguous. "and then" doesn't describe the condition around damage clearly and it could imply the creature takes damage regardless of the result of the saving throw (also, since it's a STR saving throw and not a DEX saving throw, the guaranteed damage makes more sense).
RPG StackExchange generally has smarter people writing better answers and they agree with this version:
Reddit is split but the most upvoted answer says the damage only happens when they fail the STR saving throw:
The typical intention around cantrips is that making the saving throw prevents damage but due to the specificity of this particular cantrip (15 foot range, STR saving throw, and requires the target to be within 5 feet) doesn't put it remotely close to the value of something like Thorn Whip (mostly the premiere Druid cantrip, so I can understand why it's slightly more powerful).
The general rule of cantrips is that successful saving throws prevent the damage dealt by the cantrip -- so it's hard to argue about the guaranteed damage.
What I'd Do?
I'd allow players to pull an enemy through them with an Athletics check (and if a player makes a good enough point, I'd consider an Acrobatics check instead). The logic is that a pull is a special throw and you're trying to use the Grapple/Drag mechanics in a special case. If the player fails the check, I'd probably say they are knocked prone and they have no speed for the rest of the turn.
Moving rules and occupying the space of another creature...
" can't willingly end your move —any part of it— in another creature's space..."