- 5e

Maxing Ability Scores vs Utility

Character optimization focuses on progressing ability scores from 16 at level 1 to 20 by level 8. This technically leaves little-to-no room for other feats (or even slow ability score progression through feats that give a +1 increase). A common message is that it might be worth progressing slower if you're willing to take trade offs but no examples are given.

Most optimization focuses on combat where numbers can be easily analyzed, tracked, and compared. This tends to put higher-than-justified weight to feats like Tough and less value on utility, like Ritual Caster. Out of combat feats, like Actor, are almost entirely forgotten.

While not 100% true, a +1 weapon or focus is mostly worth +2 in a given ability score. Yes, you get bonuses to skills and saving throws with an ability score increase but again, most optimization revolves around damage calculations.