Dungeons and Dragons 5e
Acknowledging some biases here, I'd say my favorite classes are sorcerers, rogues, and bards (I gravitate towards the Expert classes). Warlocks, Fighters, and clerics are up there as well.
I also gravitate towards Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Good, and Lawful Evil alignments.
Zug Zug (Half Orc 6 Barbarian)
Level 6, First Character in 5e (July 2018)
Chaotic Neutral, 6'1", 265 lbs, Male
Background: Sailor
Totem Barbarian
Personality Traits To me, a tavern brawl is a nice way to get to know a new city. I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale. Ideals Freedom. The sea is freedom — the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. (Chaotic) Bonds Ruthless pirates murdered my captain and crewmates, plundered our ship, and left me to die. Vengeance will be mine. Flaws My pride will probably lead to my destruction.
ASI (Rolled)
STR: 15 (19 after bonuses) DEX: 16 CON: 17 (18 after bonuses) INT: 11 WIS: 13 CHA: 14
Skill Proficiency: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, Survival
Weapons: Light Crossbow, Greataxe, Handaxe, Javelin, Lance, Maul
Magic Items: Bracers of Light Defense (+1 AC, Homebrewed), Blue Stone (+2 STR)
Thomas Cartwright (Variant Human 1 Sorcerer/1 Warlock)
Draconic Sorcerer, Fiend Warlock
Level 2, First Character to die (July 2022)
Cast by Ray Liotta
Aster Candlenut (Custom Lineage 2 Artificer/2 Wizard)
Level 4, Harry Potter One Shot
Cast by Theo James (Four, from Divergent)
ASI (Standard Array): 8/13/14/15/12/10
Feat: Telekinetic (Intelligence)
Background: Soldier
Infusions: Returning Weapon, Enhanced Defense, Alchemy Jug, Bag of Holding
Magic Items: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Gear: Spear (of Returning), Studded Leather, Whip
Wizard: Bladesinger
Wizard Spells: Booming Blade, Green-Flame Blade, minor Illusion, Burning Hands, False Life, Find Familiar (Keanu), Protection from Evil and Good, Shield
Artificer Spells: Prestidigitation, Thorn Whip, Absorb Elements, Arcane Weapon, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic
Proficiencies: History, Insight, Investigation, Perceptions, Persuasion
Cast by Nick Frost (this was a joke, I knew someone was playing a character cast by Simon Pegg)
Shani Tirgal
Cast by Natalie Portman (Black Swan)