5:12 - Front Line (Paladin... Barbarian, Fighter) 7:18 - The Beat Down (Fighter... Paladin, Barbarian... Ranger, Rogue, Warlock) 11:07 - Utility (Wizard, Bard... Druid, Artificer, Sorcerer... Rogue) 12:59 - Support (Cleric, Bard... Paladin... Druid, Artificer... Wizard... Sorcerer) 15:26 - Investigator (Wizard, Bard... Artificer, Druid?) 19:02 - Negotiator (Bard... Sorcerer, Warlock, Rogue... Paladin) 22:24 - Infiltrator / Explorer (Druid... Rogue, Ranger, Bard)
Ranger is a jack of all trades, master of none... they can do everything but they are never the best.
Best Gish
Most Versatile.... Fighters (SAD + bonus feats are huge)? Clerics?
Who's playing the paladin? Aura of Protection is so strong
Strongest Classes based on Ability Scores:
Fighter.. Paladin (Bless/Aura of Protection)? Rogue Barbarian Wizard Cleric? Druid? Bard? Paladin?
Best ability scores.. Wisdom? Charisma? Intelligence? Dexterity? Strength is mostly awful, Constitution is middled. Charisma is broken stat in DnD in social situations (unless the DM is inflexible)... I have a lot of complaints about CHA being too strong in 5e (and this is coming from someone who loves bards).
What I like? Versatility... Skill monkeys (Expertise), support/utility... Bard, Sorcerer (Metamagic is so strong), Rogue, Fighter, Wizard?, Paladin?, Cleric (esp Knowledge)?
A dervish or a dragoon
-- Clockwork Soul, Abberant Mind for spell slots... Divine Soul can compete with clerics
Bard... Aid / Hero's Feast / Inspiring Leader
-- Twin Polymorph, Quicken Dimension Door
I want to like Monk but they are in a really bad place (they are bad fighters, bad rogues)... The same goes for rangers (bad fighters, bad druids), they're never going to be the best at anything (and MAD sucks)... MAD struggles to be good because ability scores are costly... half or third casters struggle in a similar sense.
Cloudkill, Fireball for damage... Spiritual Guardians
Prepared casters have an edge if you can anticipate/plan for situations.. Other casters have what they have (it might not be a bad thing because you can't "guess wrong").. Outside of Hexblade, warlocks are just worse sorcerers
What's my draw to the fighter? Character builds and optimization are incredibly ASI/feat heavy. I don't consider a character's progression good if it can't reach 20 in their primary stat by level 8; custom lineage makes it possible for builds to reach this by level 4. With that requirement in mind, how are characters supposed to be online with their superclass (what I call feat combinations) of Polearm Master/Sentinel or Crossbow Expert/Sharpshooter? Fighters, with the extra feat can do this -- choose custom lineage, get your primary to 18 with a half feat, then spend levels 4 and 6 enabling your build, and finally capping your primary stat at level 8. Not only that, but they get a 3rd attack at level 11 and a 4th attack at level 20; I'd never expect to make it to 20 but their capstone is great. Fighting styles are great, they help you build a character the way you want to play the game.
Rogues can take a similar path by level 10, they don't require on multiattack nearly as much, and they get Expertise at level 1 and 6. I think rogues are one of the best designed classes in 5e but their biggest drawback is not having a spellbook. Rogues get to be "that guy" and they are the Energizer Bunny of 5e (they don't have resources, they don't lose stuff for long rests)
The paladin is a dash of support, dash of utility, incredible front-line, incredible beat down
Fighter knocking people prone
"Yep. Final lists: bard, wizard, cleric, druid always good to great. Artificer, paladin, rogue, barbarian, fighter, ranger, situationally good to great. Sorcerer: below average to good. Monk and warlock: always bad."
"Maybe with this approach yeah although Sorcerer and Warlock are probably higher. I think Treantmonk's final subclass ranking is probably the closest to a true tier list. Top tier: Wizard, Bard, Paladin. Super Good: Druid, Cleric, Sorcerer. Decent: Ranger, Fighter, Warlock. Meh: Artificer, Rogue, Barb. Trash: Monk."
"I also highly respect Treantmonk's opinion, however, he is really biased towards Wizards. Yet, according to him, if you don't ALWAYS cast Spirit Guardians (as a Cleric) or Hypnotic Pattern (Bard, Wizard, etc.), you are being inefficient, hence he doesn't seem to value diversity and in fact goes against his reasoning for having Wizards at the very top (claiming that they are best since they have all the spell options). He has ranked most Bards much lower than most expected."